Effective design docs


Design docs are a controversial topic, especially among agile developers who value working software over comprehensive documentation. Yet, all engineering organizations I worked at in the last decade, from tech giants to lean startups, employed writing design docs as an essential part of the development process.

This article is an opinionated guide to writing design docs for software projects. It explains why and when to write design docs, how to think like a researcher, how to put words on the page like Neil Gaiman, and what we can learn from the publishing industry.

Types of design docs

There are at least two types of documents that people call design docs: a functional specification describes what a system must do from the user’s point of view, and a design doc describes a software architecture or an approach to solving a technical problem.

These types serve different purposes and require different workflows:

The following table summarizes the differences.

Functional spec Design doc
Target audience Diverse Engineers
Abstraction level Interface Implementation
Author Product manager Engineers
Scope Entire system Specific problem
Evolution model Evolving Static

We can imagine a third document type: a technical specification describing the implementation details of the entire system and evolving with it. Unfortunately, I’ve never seen this idea working:

This article deals with the second documentation type: design docs.

Why write design docs

To put thoughts in order

Writing is nature’s way of letting you know how sloppy your thinking is.

Guindon, San Francisco Chronicle, 3/1/89 Guindon

No matter how clear an idea seems in your head, the first attempt to express it in writing turns it into mashed potatoes. This mysterious property of writing is the main benefit of writing a design doc. It forces you to formulate your problem and a solution before you fiddle with code. Even if nobody reads your design doc, you save time by writing things down: If your architecture and interfaces look bad on paper, the code implementing them will look even worse.

To correct mistakes early

The cheapest mistakes are the ones you correct early. Your first design will be flawed; a design doc will enable your colleagues to point out flaws in your ideas and refine them before you invest weeks in implementing them.

To communicate context

One of my most frustrating experiences as a code reviewer was when colleagues from another side of the globe asked me to approve a sizeable controversial change that touched the interface between our components. The diffs were all over the place, and the system went in a direction that didn’t feel right. The change author claimed everything should become clear once I see other (not yet written) patches in the sequence. Yeah, sure.

According to Christian Bird and other scientists who studied code reviews at Microsoft, the biggest challenges reviewers face are large code changes and understanding the reason for a change See the Code Reviewing in the Trenches: Understanding Challenges and Best Practices paper, for example. . When you implement your designs in small incremental patches to address the first challenge, a reference to the design doc in the change description takes care of the second.

To onboard new team members

Sociologist Karl Maton envisions optimal learning of a new concept as riding a Semantic wave. The learner starts with a high-level, technical description of the concept, then unpacks details using simpler context-dependent language, and returns to the high-level description, enlightened (Maton calls this last step repacking) I vividly recall going through this process when I tried to understand monads in Haskell. I first stared at the definition, baffled. I then read a bunch of monad is like a ... tutorials. Finally, six months later, the original formal definition became obvious. I didn’t need the safety wheels anymore. .

Design docs are among the best resources for onboarding new team members. Instead of painfully deriving the purpose and structure of a system from the code base, they can get a high-level overview from a design doc, and then dive into the codebase with enough mental hooks to anchor their discoveries.

To record history

An engineering project shouldn’t be considered complete until it is summarized and filed so that the information can be recalled or used again.

W.J. King, Unwritten Laws of Engineering, second edition

Have you ever worked on a project that felt like the five-monkey experiment? Everyone on the project does something in a peculiar way, but nobody remembers why exactly, and everyone is afraid of challenging the status quo.

Design docs are historical records of your team’s decisions and their reasoning; they are a solution to Chesterton’s fence problem. Thanks to these records, future designers will know whether the constraints you codified still apply to their context.

When to write a design doc

Most changes don’t need a design doc. My heuristic is to start a design doc when one of the following conditions is true:

Most importantly, write designs before you start implementing the system. Documenting the system post-factum takes away most of the benefits of writing a design doc. Furthermore, once the system works, you’ll be too eager to move on and view documentation as a drag, so the chance of producing anything of value becomes infinitesimal.

How to write a design doc

Writing papers is a primary mechanism for doing research (not just for reporting it).

Most people hate writing and will do almost anything instead of putting words on the page: read Slack, help colleagues, stare at metrics dashboards, consume ungodly amounts of coffee, or even groom their Jira backlog. There is an easy fix for this problem: schedule your writing sessions. Neil Gaiman allows himself to do only two things during his writing sessions: sit in front of the document and do nothing or write. After some time, putting words in will seem more fun than just sitting there.

Unfortunately, engineers can’t always follow the same routines as novelists. Fiction writers disengage from the world when they create their masterpieces. Software designs conceived in isolation look plausible on paper but disintegrate once they meet reality. To avoid this trap, build prototypes—miniature versions of the system—to test whether your ideas hold water.

Should you start by building prototypes or drafting the doc? The research community has an answer. Design docs are not novels; they are research papers: Your problem is to build or reshape a piece of software, and your goal is to convince yourself and your peers that your plan is the best option. In his talk How to Write a Good Research Paper, Simon Peyton Jones, a former principal researcher at Microsoft Research, recommends starting with a paper and using it to drive the research. This recommendation suggests a workflow alternating writing and prototyping:

  1. Start with the background section. Explain the problem you’re trying to solve, and enumerate your assumptions, constraints, goals, and non-goals.
  2. Lay out the design alternatives.
  3. Research the alternatives in sufficient depth and build prototypes when necessary. Go back and forth between writing the doc and doing the research.
  4. Pick the best design and describe it in detail. Explain why all other options are worse.
  5. Write the summary.

The summary should be the first section of a design doc, but you write it last. You can’t summarize the research you haven’t done. Even Mozart, who could envision large pieces of music in his head and later record them on paper speckless in one sitting, composed overtures for his operas only after finishing the rest of the score; he needed to know all the themes to create a perfect introduction into his musical worlds. Famously, he wrote an overture for Don Giovanni the night before the premiere.

What should go into a design doc

There is no one-size-fits-all template for design docs. The research paper analogy also helps us structure design docs. Design doc sections correspond to parts of a typical paper on computer science: summary is abstract, background is introduction, proposed design is the key idea, etc. Experiment to find what works best for your organization. Most design docs contain the following sections in one form or another:

Seeking feedback

If nobody reads or comments on your design doc, you lose most of the benefits of writing it. Unfortunately, tricking other people into reading your writing is hard. As Steven Pressfield puts it, nobody wants to read your sh*t. Furthermore, making engineers re-read new revisions of a document is nearly impossible.

When seeking feedback, we face a dilemma. If you request feedback too early, your colleagues will point out the most obvious flaws and probably never give your document another chance. On the other hand, if you slave on a doc for weeks until it becomes perfect, you will likely waste time developing bad ideas.

One of my colleagues found a solution to this dilemma during his time at Jane Street: each document writer should have a buddy. Once the doc has enough substance, the buddy helps the author polish the document before requesting feedback from a wider audience. This approach is a miniature version of the publishing industry workflow, where the author iterates on the manuscript with a dedicated editor before the text goes to print.

People find walls of text scary and procrastinate reading them. The best way to make your doc readable is to keep it short and to the point. Cut ruthlessly, make the structure apparent, and keep the language simple. Another way to trick people into reading is to make the document visually appealing. To combat monotonicity, intersperse the text with diagrams, use lists, and be generous with blank space. Refer to the Resources section for book recommendations that can help you with structural and visual components.


Should I update a design doc as the code evolves?

Probably not. Design doc captures your thinking at a specific point in time. If the situation changes and you must revise the design, write a new document referencing the original. Scientists don’t edit their published papers; they write new ones.

However, feel free to modify the design doc if you change your mind or discover new challenges during development. Editorial changes that make the doc more accessible are also welcome.


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